G2 Raz-Kids Reading STARS!

What? You say you’re bored and need something fun to do – well then READ!

That’s right, you can always practice reading no matter where you are – at home, at school or somewhere out in the world.

What? You don’t have a book? Not a problem as long as you have Internet! Mr. McKillip’s class can log into Raz-Kids read books and earn more stars.

Congratulations to students earning over 1000 Raz-Kids Stars!

Krisztian is a star reader earning more than 3000 Raz-Kids Stars! Krisztian has been using Raz-Kids both at school and at home. He is quickly becoming a better reader using Raz-Kids because he likes reading on the computer. Keep reading Krisz!

Danni is a another star as she has earned almost 2000 Raz-Kids Stars! Danni loves to read. She reads whenever and wherever she can! She often encourages others to read. Great job reading Danni!

And last but not least, Lenno has also earned more than 1000 Raz-Kids Stars! Lenno likes books that challenge him. He enjoys non-fiction books and other genre of books too. Way to go Lenno – Keep reading!

You too can earn more stars and become a STAR reader on Raz-Kids. NOW students can board the Raz Rocket and blast off to a distant planet for an out-of-this-world experience!

Star System
Students earn stars for every book read and listened to, and quizzes and assignments successfully completed. Students use earned stars to buy items from the Raz-Rocket Catalog to personalize their rocket.

Rocket Ranking System
As students earn stars, they move up in rank. Ranks are displayed on each student’s individual assignment page.

Have fun reading and remember, the more you read, the better you read so READ READ READ!

One Response to G2 Raz-Kids Reading STARS!

  1. krisztian says:

    Hi Mr. McKillip!

    Thank you for putting my name on our website. I’m off to go play some fun games and solve some problems on the computer.

    OOOOOOOh! I forgot to ask you how are you? And Hi to Mr Elliot!

    Bye bye,

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